Low Calorie, High Quality Fiction


I came across this slim volume of short stories in the Monmouth ‘Health & Social Care Facility’. Written by local veteran, John Mason and also published locally, the profits from the sale of this book are pledged to military charities, which immediately sparked my interest, but in fact these stories are worthy of much wider attention.

The first half of the anthology is dedicated to the theme of ‘Last’. Last … ditch; straw; refuge; laugh; man; gasp; resting place; minute; call; bus; night; chance; judgement; exit; and word, through which the author has imaginatively plumbed a rich seam to good effect. But, then he moves on. As though not satisfied with a paltry fifteen stories, the remainder of the book comprises a similar number of stories under the titular banner of ‘Hopes’. Yet, there is a cogency to the two halves, perhaps two sides of the same coin. The ‘Last’ stories pay tribute to human resilience, the capacity to ‘dig deep’ when circumstances demand and simply not give in. Meanwhile, the complementary ‘Hopes’ stories speak to the human capacity for positive ingenuity, to overcome the unexpected setbacks of life and mash those lemons into lemonade! A combination of self belief, positive perspective and an optimism that reaches beyond wishful thinking, enabling the determined individual to tilt fate in his/her favour, or at least attempt to.

As a veteran myself, I relished the authentic references to varied military experience, but the broad themes and diverse settings for the stories ensure a wider appeal too and the collection is much more thought-provoking than stale war-time parodies and wreaked of unsentimental realism. Indeed a large proportion of the stories are set in civilian life, but I suspect for veteran readers, the tales of re-imagined ‘active service’ may prove the most resonant.

A purist might suggest that some of the examples have strayed into ‘micro-fiction’ territory, that is extremely short stories, but I prefer not to get hung up on story length. After all, the crafting of concise and engaging narratives remains a valuable skill in its own right and almost without exception the author’s instinct for ‘nonfat storytelling’ just feels right. In dedicating his collection to “those brave men and women of our armed forces who daily risk their lives for us in the darker places of this world”, John Mason has shone an interesting light into the gloom and makes a fascinating case for bitesized fiction.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Revenge on Repeat…

This was my first experience of Brennig Jones’ work and I came to the author’s indie novel, published in January 2023, with an open mind and came away with some really positive first impressions. There is a sense of latent risk when the reader pulls a book from the top of the tbr pile (assuming s/he hasn’t researched in advance), but also a surging sense of possibilities and Mr Jones did not disappoint. Of course, the odds of a favourable encounter may have been mitigated by our shared location in Wales and our respective military backgrounds (mine was orientated towards aircraft), but in any event the thrilling plot zipped along like a windsurfer off Copacabana beach.

Die-hard ‘thrillers’, as a genre, can feel a little passe at times, yet if well-written, well-paced and plausible (though improbable), the sense of excitement can touch a sweet-spot that suspends the reader’s disbelief in favour of an adrenaline-fuelled page turner.

What sets ‘Tempest’ apart is the unusual main character, Laura Guerra and the quirky time loop in which she is trapped. That the author should cast a female anti-hero in the context of a struggle against a dark, malevalent and violent foe seems counterintuitive. However, though Laura is notionally 28, she is locked into a groundhog existence that restarts after a year, or until she dies, whichever comes first. Through this perpetual rewind mechanism, Laura has developed a formidable range of skills and abilities and honed a plan to deliver deserved retribution. She is also isolated within this lonely crusade, that is until this latest cycle.

I found the concept intriguing and Laura’s character gained added depth by her exposure to friends and lover. Of course, the execution of the plan with its bangs and blasts and tech’ are an important element of the story, but this reader was also left wanting to know more about Laura and what next for her? So, I was delighted to read that this is book one in a trilogy, with the second novel, “Storm” released in January 2024 and the final installment, “Hurricane” currently ‘in production’.

Brennig Jones’ writing style is well-researched and atmospheric, as the story alights in contrasting global locations. Definitely thrilling, but also laced with food-for-thought, ‘Tempest’ has proven a tantalizing appetizer.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Womb with a View

I picked this up at the library, a very safe selection, as I am generally a great admirer of McEwan’s work, but this 2016 novel remained on my tbr list. Still, it was more ‘novel’ than I had expected. The story is regular enough (reportedly drawing on the influence of Shakespeare’s Hamlet). Trudy is pregnant with her husband’s child, living in a London townhouse inherited by John, but he’s not there. The couple are separated. Instead Claude (John’s brother) has moved in, creating a triangle beset by additional tension and familial loyalties. What makes this book different is the author’s decision to make the unnamed baby the narrator and thereby providing an unseeing and unseen witness to the private deceit and decision to murder the baby’s father.

It’s ambitious and I believe few writers could have pulled it off, but of course Ian McEwan, at the height of his powers, is extraordinarily gifted. By making John a poet, the author also gets to quote Auden and Betjeman in the pursuit of what the reader might term, ‘poetic justice’. Perhaps not his best novel, in my view, though the trademark use of elegant language and interesting turns of phrase are present. However, it felt so ‘experimental’ that I wondered whether the author had simply set himself an unusual cerebral challenge. In any event, it’s worth reading simply for that sense of ambition!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Casting a Light on the Bierce Darkness…

Book 5 of the ‘Penguin 6o’s collection’ comprises a half dozen short stories by Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914). For the uninitiated (among whom I include myself), the author was apparently “America’s foremost nineteenth-century satirist”, which explains his inclusion in the series celebrating the publisher’s sixtieth anniversary. Bierce is best known for “The Devil’s Dictionary” (1906), but he also published two poetry books and many short stories. The cluster of stories in this short anthology surely stand testament to his qualities as a talented writer. However, Bierce also fought with distinction in an Indiana regiment during the American civil war and this may help explain the authentic undertone detectable in a couple of the stories. Moreover, the common theme, albeit sombre, repeated across these tales, relates to the dark, mysterious nature of death and echoes macabre exploits of the living, unwittingly touched by the gossamer veil masking the beyond.

Certainly these ‘taster reads’ have perked the reader’s curiosity and the knowledge that Bierce was a contemporary and friend of Mark Twain only inflames the interest further. Indeed, the notion that ‘art imitates life’ may even seem prescient. In 1913 Bierce openly shared his intention to travel to Mexico and join Pancho Villa’s forces as an observer of that country’s civil war. That he was never heard from again and the circumstances of his death are obscure feels like a fittingly mysterious and intriguing end.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The Construction of Dreams

2021 novel, “Paper Castles” was my first taste of the work of indie author, B.Fox and though formatted into three parts, the smooth conversational style of this debut novel had me hooked by the end of the first chapter. It is true that the book may be regarded as ‘literary fiction’, given that it does not fit neatly into an established genre, but be assured, irrespective of the notional label, this is a fine example of accomplished storytelling.

James Brooke, aged 28, graduate of Cleveland and wannabe architect has returned home to Westland, Ohio, weighed down by student debt and a glaring lack of opportunity. Moreover, James finds himself reliant on a father beset with his own struggles and in the absence of James’ late Mom, without the maternal influence that formerly kept the family together and fanned the embers of their son’s aspirations.

On one level the story is an interesting study in the communication James has with himself (and the reader), but also the collision of the possible with the pragmatic, respectively represented by son and father and the consequences of a failure to engage. More broadly, the novel calls into question the status of the ‘American dream’, the worship of money and the human casualties that get left behind, collateral damage in an unattractive, largely utilitarian system.

Using the real estate industry as a metaphor to reinforce the themes, the author also highlights the need for aesthetic vision, combined with pragmatic discipline, if huge potential is not to be simply sacrificed on the altar of crude economics.

Still, it is the wanton disregard for human capital and the disadvantages to be overcome by the socially powerless that lend real depth to this book. Karen, whom James meets in a diner, is trapped in a waitressing job that enables her to also provide elder care to her frail grandmother. But, can this unusual alliance provide the key that may liberate the young couple from their respective challenges? The author has created a fascinatingly complex relationship between the two characters and James’ observation that “it feels good to be outside of my own head for once. Hers is so much more interesting”, alludes to an important psychological connection, but can it be enough?

Certainly, Karen’s assertion that “It’s not the American dream what’s important; it’s the dreamer! A dream can’t be alive without a dreamer who believes in it.” seems to best describe the essence of this novel, However, on balance, the avoidance of a trite conclusion is also to the credit of B. Fox. Hugely satisfying read, I shall look forward to the author’s future work with great interest, but, for now, I have no hesitation in lodging “Paper Castles” on my current favourites’ shelf.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Comrades Under Threat

Having enjoyed Robert Craven’s 2021 novel, “A Kind of Drowning” (see earlier blogpost), I was encouraged to go back a decade to the author’s debut book, “Get Lenin”. Set in Europe amid the tumult of World War II, the author introduces Eva Molenaar, a young Polish woman, brutalised by the craven (forgive the pun) behaviour of fascist thugs, but possessing language skills and beauty that can be used by the allied secret services. This first instalment of the heroine’s wartime adventures is an exciting romp, as the advancing German army threatens to capture Lenin’s Moscow mausoleum and in a potential propaganda coup, hold the icon to ransome.

The reader learned from the author’s blurb that Mr Craven started writing the book in 2006 and it took five years to complete. Still, in an exciting, fast-moving plot, the reader comes to learn about Eva and her serendipitous progress to fledgling spy and the well-honed story has clearly benefited from the original polish (sorry, can’t seem to help myself).

With Russia very much in the news, the repeated echoes of an “orgy of destruction” carry a contemporary poignancy, but while the backdrop is darkly familiar, the author’s focus on a woman’s wartime experience is both interesting and refreshing. More earthy than simply James Bond wearing nail varnish, in Eva, the reader glimpses a strong, determined woman, whose contribution to the 1940s struggle is both important and dangerous, but not without enduring the manipulation of spymasters willing to sacrifice all. Snatching romantic comfort in the most unlikely of situations, the tale is well-set for further episodes in this seemingly ever-fertile WWII soil. I look forward to Book 2 in the series, entitled “Zinnman” and the further development of the main character and her peers. I also wonder if the author has another such innovative plotline, around which to intrigue the reader with Eva’s ongoing adventures? Time will tell.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

No Lightweight Short Story…

This was my first experience of Ken Stark’s work and yet, despite the short format, “Dead Weight” packs a powerful punch. Subtly horrifying, the author exposes the abject vulnerability of a mind imprisoned in a paralysed body, juxtaposed with a shackled body, the consequence of a broken mind. In common with top writers in the genre, Stark doesn’t rely on graphic description, but instead allows the reader to formulate a mental picture in all its shuddering repugnance. Bravo!

Rather like a tasty aperitif, this short story has stimulated my appetite for a more substantial course and waiting in my tbr list is Mr Stark’s post-apocalyptic zombie thriller. “Stage 3”. Can’t wait. Bon appetit!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Mesopotamian Blues

I don’t regard myself as a connoisseur of children’s books, though I’ve read quite a few over the years (what parent hasn’t?), but it’s been a while. Still, it made my dip into the world of ‘Varjak Paw’, a Mesopotamian blue cat, all the more refreshing.

Originally published in 2003 and winner of the Smarties Prize Gold Award, in Varjak Paw the author (S.F.Said) has created an interesting main character, heroic but humble, timid but courageous, naive but open to new ideas and tolerant of different pedigrees and perspectives. In keeping with classic books, such as “Watership Down”(Richard Adams, 1972), the fact that the characters are animals simply alters the context, but not the need for the cast to resolve the attendant challenges. In this example, feline blue-blood Varjak Paw and his family are living a leisurely existence with the Countess, but when their kind benefactor mysteriously disappears, Varjak Paw finds himself traumatically relegated to the street and facing threats to which he is not accustomed. The young cat needs help and to learn quickly how to survive.

Given the nature of the book, it is only right that due credit also go to the illustrator, Dave McKean, whose minimalist black and white drawings complement the story and deftly draw the eye, providing a visual treat that supports the fast-moving narrative. I note there is also a sequel to this adventure (“The Outlaw Varjak Paw”, 2005), which I shall add to my tbr pile, but in the meantime, I have sent my copy of the original book to my eight year-old nephew for a rather more expert opinion, though I remain confident that he will approve.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Masking an Iceberg

Jane Davis is the author of nine novels to date, of which I have read six so far. This latest example was published in 2015 and the following year was lauded by Writing Magazine as the ‘Self-Published Book of the Year’. Indeed, “An Unknown Woman” exemplifies much of what I enjoy about Ms Davis storytelling. The themes are broad, the female characters especially are fascinating and the situations confronting them incite in the reader a deep-seated empathy.

The premise of this novel is that each of us is akin to an iceberg, with only a small proportion of ourselves showing above the surface. Even those closest to us may project a persona that avoids the exposure of unflattering traits and inner compromises, in the face of life’s changing demands. However, crises sometimes have the capacity to ‘out’ submerged feelings and secrets, enabling them to bob unexpectedly to the surface,no longer private, no longer hidden.

A fire, which destroys the home of Anita and Ed and with it the possessions gathered over their fifteen years together, is such a catalyst. It is a stress test of their cohabiting relationship. Without the trappings built up over time, are their foundations strong enough to withstand the necessary rebuild and attendant doubt? “Something of herself or of Ed had been invented in each object.” The wrecked house is perhaps a metaphor for the decisions required. Whether to replicate their former home, or take the opportunity to remodel a more ambitious project, maybe just cash in their chips and go their separate ways. For Anita in particular, her job as a curator at a famous historical site provides an interesting perspective around the relationship between past and present, but the reader also gets a glimpse of the influence of nature and nurture in Anita’s upbringing and the source of the bond with her father.

A parallel and contrasting strand to the story, though equally absorbing, concerns Anita’s parents. Patti and Ron have a longstanding marriage shaped by the traditions of a different generation, a very different time, but they have their own secrets. As the two couples work through their respective challenges, learning anew about each other and recalibrating their attachments, the novel alludes not so much to a radical ‘reset’, as to an ongoing evolution that the reader can’t help but find familiar.

Notwithstanding the delicious language and attention to descriptive detail that makes Ms Davis writing stand out, for this reader, it is also the underlying scope for reflection and food for thought that offers genuine depth. It may be reassuring to note that as we float along the currents of life, the ice from which we are formed will be sculpted. Still, worth also remembering the mask one chooses to wear may be simply a protective covering.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

The Werewolf & the Tailor…

I have drawn these two short stories together, as companion pieces, released under their own covers (on Kindle only) and because I found them intriguing. Author, Alan Scott, has created ‘The Storm’ series, which currently comprises a trilogy of novels and three books of short stories and ‘Tea’ was taken from “Stories of a Storm Filled Night”(2014). The stories are set twenty five and twenty six years respectively, after the events detailed in ‘Scions of the Storm’ (Book 2 of the trilogy) and signpost the reader towards “Echoes of a Storm” (Book 1), where it all begins. It’s an interesting promotional strategy, which offers the prospect of a much more developed dark fantasy, but hinges on whetting the readers’ appetite through two short abstracts.

The signs were good, when having immersed myself in ‘Tea’, I was very quickly loading the follow-up onto my tray for the conclusion to the initial story and therein lies a clue. The two stories are of their nature – short and centre on the curious relationship between two very different characters, who come together annually on the longest night, “when the shadows were at their deepest and darkest”. This single night, established as the briefest of respite from their respective experiences of isolation, stands testament to the value of companionship and the healing potential of hot tea and warm attention. In these brief pages, the seemingly mundane traverses life, death, loss, duty and identity and gives the reader the sense of epic events distilled into a cup of tea shared between people, with whom a special affinity exists.

It is very much a case of less is more, yet the quality of the writing leaves the reader wanting to understand the broader context for the short stories and learn more about the enigmatic ‘Shadow Killer’ (William) and the diffident tailor (Samuel). Certainly, for fans of dark fantasy, these morsels will surely have readers seeking the main course and spurred by these tasters, I have added The Storm trilogy to my tbr list.

Rating: 4 out of 5.